Medicare-Eligible Retirees
Last Updated December 12, 2024

Good health is important to a happy retirement and living life to the fullest.
Eligibility and Enrollment Rules
The Retiree Medical Benefit Program and/or Drug Benefit Program (together the “Retiree Group Health Program”) is frozen to new entrants. You may only participate if you retired before October 1, 2016, and you meet certain age, service and participation requirements as described in the Plan’s Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) and related SMMs.
RRD Medical Coverage
If you are eligible for Medicare, you are automatically covered by Medicare Part A (hospital care). You must be enrolled in Medicare Part B (physician services) to participate in the company‐sponsored group Medicare Advantage plan (also known as Medicare Part C).
What You Need to Know About RRD Medical Coverage
- Your medical benefits are provided through Aetna.
- Because this is a Medicare Advantage plan:
- When you use the plan, your benefits are “assigned” to Aetna, which is then responsible for paying your claims.
- Your medical coverage is not secondary to Medicare, so there is no coordination of benefits to worry about.
- You can visit any provider you choose, in or out of the Aetna network, and pay the same share of the cost as long as the provider accepts Medicare.
- If you are a new enrollee in the RR Donnelley Retiree Group Health Program, make sure you have on file with the Benefits Center:
- A valid Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) — also known as your Medicare claim number — or a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI).
- An actual street address (not a P.O. box). Contact the RRD Benefits Center if you are unsure of your address on file.
NOTE: When you see “plan” in materials you receive from Aetna, it means the Aetna Medicare PPO plan. References to “plan sponsor” in materials you receive from Aetna mean the R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Retiree Welfare Benefits Plan, the plan administrator or the company, depending on the context.
Questions about Medicare Advantage?
Contact Aetna at 1-800-307-4830, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. CT.
RRD Prescription Drug Coverage
Prescription drug benefits are provided by Aetna as part of the RRD-sponsored group Medicare Part D program.
Tips for Using Your Prescription Drug Benefits
- Retail: You can refill a retail prescription when 85% of your existing prescription has been used.
- Long-term/maintenance medications:
- You can purchase up to a 90-day supply of medication at retail, as long as you fill your prescription at a participating pharmacy.
- You can refill a mail-order prescription when 75% of your existing prescription has been used.
- Consent for prescriptions: You must provide consent for prescriptions you do not initiate yourself, such as auto-refills, “e-prescribing” by your doctor and your doctor’s office calling in a prescription. Make sure your phone number is on file with Aetna Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug so they can contact you to obtain consent. If they do not receive your consent, the prescription will be held, and you will need to contact Aetna Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug to release the prescription(s). Your drugs will not ship automatically.
- Diabetic testing supplies:
If you purchase diabetic testing supplies, please note some diabetic supplies are covered under medical (Part B) and some under pharmacy (Part D):
You may purchase a 90‐day supply at retail. Using retail does not change your coverage or the process to receive these supplies under the RRD Retiree Drug Benefit Program.
Diabetic supplies covered under pharmacy (needles, gauze pads, syringes, alcohol swabs) are available through Caremark mail order.
Your medical coverage covers blood glucose monitors and test strips. Aetna exclusively covers Lifescan/OneTouch blood glucose monitors and test strips, which can be filled at any network pharmacy. Other brands won’t be covered unless a provider requests an exception and it’s approved.
Save Money on Your Prescription Medications
You can save money on your medications when you use Rx Savings Solutions, a confidential online tool that searches for lower-cost options for your prescribed medications.
Questions About Prescription Drug Coverage?
Call Aetna at 1-800-307-4830, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. CT.
RRD Benefits Center
TTY: 1-877-486-2048
Rx Savings Solutions
Rx Savings Solutions app