Pension Plan
Last Updated March 7, 2024

The Pension Plan includes the following frozen pension plans:
- Retirement Benefit Plan of R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company
- Retirement Income Plan of Moore Wallace North America, Inc.
- Banta Corporation Employees Pension Plan
- Banta Hourly Pension Plan (i.e., Banta Book Group, Banta Danbury and Banta Specialty Converting)
- Haddon Craftsmen, Inc. Retirement Plan
- Merged Retirement Income Plan for Employees of R.R. Donnelley Printing Company L.P. and R.R. Donnelley Printing Company (for employees of the business acquired from Meredith/Burda)
- Bowne Pension Plan
Are You Eligible?
To confirm your eligibility for pension benefits, contact the Pension Service Center.
Receiving Retirement Benefits
If you’re eligible for the Pension Plan, you can receive an unreduced retirement benefit, in most cases, at age 65. Oftentimes, you can receive a retirement benefit as early as age 55 if you have at least five years of vesting service. Your early retirement benefit will be reduced to reflect the fact you will be receiving payments over a longer period.
Optional forms of payment vary from plan to plan. For specific payment options available under your plan, refer to your Summary Plan Description or contact the Pension Service Center. Common payment options available under most plans include, but are not limited to, the following:
SINGLE LIFE ANNUITY | Provides monthly payments for your lifetime with no survivor benefits. |
JOINT AND SURVIVOR ANNUITY | Provides a reduced monthly benefit amount so payments can continue to your beneficiary when you die. You choose the percentage of your monthly benefit you want to have paid to your beneficiary on your death: 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. The greater the percentage you choose for your beneficiary, the smaller your monthly pension benefit amount will be. |
Only available if you have a cash balance account or a pension equity benefit |
Allows you to elect to receive the value of your cash balance or pension equity benefit distributed in a single-sum payment that is payable to you or transferred directly to an individual retirement account (IRA), another qualified retirement plan, a not-for-profit employer’s 403(b) plan, or a governmental 457 plan that accepts rollovers.
NOTE: Your cash balance benefit can also be paid as an annuity, although different rules apply if you receive your benefit before age 55 or on or after age 55. Refer to your Summary Plan Description for details.
Other payment options may be available depending on the value of your benefit at retirement and your participation in prior Pension Plans sponsored by the company or an acquired company. In addition, if you are married, you need to follow the plan’s spousal consent rules to elect certain forms of payment.
When Your Pension Benefit Begins
The date your pension benefit begins depends on:
- How quickly you return your completed paperwork;
- The form of payment you elect (a lump sum, if available, or monthly payments);
- How much time has elapsed since you separated from RRD; and
- The payment start date (see example below).
If you elect to receive a monthly payment, and the Pension Service Center has received your completed paperwork, and Human Resources has processed your termination:
- By the 10th of the month … You will receive your first monthly payment one month later, on the first day of the month.
- After the 10th but before the 16th of the month … You will receive your first monthly payment two months later, on the first day of the month. (Your benefit still begins effective one month later, but you won’t get your first payment until two months later, and your first payment will be a double payment.)
- After the 15th of the month … You will receive your first monthly payment on the first day of the month two months after your paperwork is received.
If you elect to receive a lump-sum payment (if applicable), you generally receive your lump sum 90 to 120 days after your separation date.
RRD Benefits Center
Pension Service Center