National Medical Options

Last Updated December 16, 2024

Your RRD Medical Program can help support your health and manage your health care costs.


You have four National Medical Program options provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL):

All options include prescription drug coverage provided through CVS Caremark.

Depending on where you live, you might be eligible for a regional medical option.

Choosing Your Providers

With any of the National Medical Program options, you can use in-network or out-of-network providers, but you will save money when you receive care from in-network providers. Use the BCBSIL Provider Finder tool to find providers by location, and compare them based on price, patient reviews and recognition. You can also check to be sure your providers are in-network by calling the number on the back of your insurance ID card prior to receiving services.

2025 National Medical Program Options

Here’s an overview of the National Medical Program options. The annual deductible (amount you pay before receiving benefits) applies to all services except in-network preventive care. Your out-of-pocket maximum protects you in case of unexpected or catastrophic expenses. This is the most you will ever have to pay in a calendar year for covered and allowed medical expenses.

Contact Information


Network Names

Value and Advantage Medical Program Network Name: PPO

Florida Network Names: BCBS HSA Value FL; BCBS HSA Advantage FL; BCBS Copay Advantage FL

Georgia Network Names: BCBS HSA Value GA; BCBS HSA Advantage GA; BCBS Copay Advantage GA

Maryland Network Names: BCBS HSA Value MD; BCBS HSA Advantage MD; BCBS Copay Advantage MD

New Jersey Network Names: BCBS HSA Value NJ; BCBS HSA Advantage NJ; BCBS Copay Advantage NJ

New York Network Names: BCBS HSA Value NY; BCBS HSA Advantage NY; BCBS Copay Advantage NY

Tennessee Network Names: BCBS HSA Value TN; BCBS HSA Advantage TN; BCBS Copay Advantage TN

Wisconsin Network Names: BCBS HSA Value WI; BCBS HSA Advantage WI; BCBS Copay Advantage WI



HSA Advantage
Copay Advantage
HSA Value
Annual Deductible

Employee Only: $2,000

Family: $4,000

Employee Only: $1,900

Family: $3,800

Employee Only: $2,900

Family: $5,800

Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum

Employee Only: $7,600

Family: $15,200; Individual cap of $7,600

Employee Only: $7,600

Family: $15,200; Individual cap of $7,600

Employee Only: $7,600

Family: $15,200; Individual cap of $7,600

Office Visit

In-Network: 20% after deductible

Out-of-Network: 40% after deductible

In-Network: $25 PCP or Mental health; $40 Specialist 

Out-of-Network: 40% after deductible

In-Network: 25% after deductible

Out-of-Network: 50% after deductible

Preventive Care

In-Network: $25 PCP or Mental health; $40 Specialist

Out-of-Network: 40% after deductible

In-Network: 0%

Out-of-Network: 40% after deductible

In-Network: 0%

Out-of-Network: 50% after deductible

Emergency Room

In-Network: 20% after deductible

Out-of-Network: 20% if true emergency; otherwise 40% after deductible

In-Network: $500 copay + 20% of remaining balance after deductible

Out-of-Network: $500 copay + 20% of remaining balance if true emergency; otherwise 50% of remaining balance after deductible i

In-Network: 25% after deductible

Out-of-Network: 25% if true emergency; otherwise 50% after deductible